Exciting news! Pente the new Catholic Order of Forester Pentecost Pancakes Tongue of Fire Mascot for IHM, has arrived! He will be in the Gathering Space after all Masses this weekend 5/20-5/21 to help promote Pentecost Pancakes, and will be there the day of the event 5/28 to help everyone celebrate the birthday of the church! Great food, fellowship, pictures with Pente The Tongue of Fire mascot, face painting, and other games await you and your family. The event is totally FREE to anyone who wants to attend, but donations are being accepted on behalf of the St Vincent DePaul Society. We are still in need of volunteers. Please sign up here: https://www.signupgenius.com/.../904044AACAE22A1FB6... If you are interested in helping with Pente the Mascot, please sign up here: https://www.signupgenius.com/.../904044AACAE22A1FB6... Or contact Roger Bockweg at [email protected].